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Fiona Seow

Fiona Seow

Fiona works are primarily driven by an obsession with perfection and order, coupled with a compulsion to repeat. Her geometric abstract drawings and installations are the by-products of various processes that she engages in to achieve a meditative state or a sense of pleasure. She is interested in the relations between time, labour and value.

Through the act of repetition she is able to find assurance, and therefore a sense of calmness.
Working with geometry and finding a pattern allows her to find order among chaos and conflicting ideas. Fiona often employs the symbolic meaning behind geometric shapes in her works – for example, the circle symbolises perfection, cyclical time, and on a more spiritual level it is also linked to continuation of life and beyond. Triangles on the other hand, are the most stable shape that allows tessellation and multiplication, which can be interpreted as growth.

In her recent works, she uses time as another factor that determines the composition of her drawings. She started making durational works that are not only time and labour intensive, they also allow for exploration of infinite possibilities. She often sets perimeters in which the production of the work will strictly follow for a scheduled period of time, creating a ritualistic process that may be likened to meditation.

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